Vanessa Simmons: Mogul, Mom and Motivator
Written By: Lia Jones
My last Beauty Behind the Brand column for 2023 is featuring the gorgeous and talented Vanessa Simmons. Simmons has earned her way into our hearts and reality television history being such a charming personality. However, there is ALOT more to her story than reality television. She is a mom, actress, influencer, brand ambassador, entrepreneur and she is not slowing down. Not only has Simmons built an unshakable personal brand, she has lent her influence to others.
We got to chat all things beauty and business. Like many of us, Simmons recalls her nostalgic connection to Hype Hair. Growing up she used HH as a guide to creating her personal hair looks. When is looking for a relaxed look , braids and a messy bun tend to be her go to.
During our sit down I discovered that Simmons recently celebrated 10 years of partnership with Yummy Extensions . Yummy is one of the most trusted hair extension companies that has stood the test of time due to their quality and social media presence. Simmons influence in pushing the presence of the brand can’t be denied . She also has a partnership with Buttah Skin , which is owned by Dorian Renaud. Pushing the importance of self care, skin care and hair care is something that rang of high importance to Simmons during our sit down. I immediately could tell that she had aligned with these selected brands and has built a wellness community, because she genuinely has a passion for it. January 6th in Dallas Texas Vanessa will be launching the in person module of her new project, U4IA a wellness community infused with in person retreats.