Luxury Real Estate Guru Aaron Kirman Guide To High End Home Gyms

Luxury Real Estate Guru Aaron Kirman Guide To High End Home Gyms


Aaron Kirman has sold more than $16 billion worth of real estate in a career that has reportedly seen him work with Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, royal families, and international dignitaries. The amazing spaces that he sells often come with lavish lounges, spacious cinema rooms, and ample room to park a myriad of top of the range automobiles. But, one area of a dream property that has grown over the years, perhaps more than any other, is the fitness and wellness space. M&F talked to the CNBC “Listing Impossible” star to find out more.

As the CEO of AKG | Christie’s International Real Estate, Aaron Kirman oversees the sale of some of the finest estates across the world. He is so influential in matching luxurious properties to the super-rich, that eager architects, designers, and developers seek his advice in order to make sure that their constructions will appeal to the right high-end buyer. Known for his keen eye for market trends, Kirman says that he has seen a growing requirement for bigger and better gym spaces.

Personal Home Gym sold by Aaron Kirman
Aaron Kirman

In Order to Be Successful, You Have to Take Care Of Yourself

With a crazy schedule like Kirman’s, the master of mansions understands the value that his colossal clients place on keeping fit, since he is an avid gymgoer himself. “I’ve always told people that in order to be successful, you have to take care of yourself first and foremost,” explains the in-demand agent. “For me, self-care is the number one attribute for success.” Kirman even goes as far as to say that he feels that his most productive work days are the ones where he makes time to meditate, hit the gym, and eat right, and so he understands why his powerful clients in the music and movie businesses are requiring more space to work on themselves. Just like with his own lifestyle, many of his clients will need to get up by 5am to hit the gym before a brutally busy day gets underway. “For me, it’s important that I get to the gym before we start our day, because by 8am by phone is going to be blowing up,” he explains, noting that needs must since he is not naturally a ‘morning guy’. But, since many of his celeb clients also need to be early risers in order to get their sweat on, it stands to reason that the gym would become an increasingly established aspect of any sought-after home.

Luxery Personal Home Gym from Aaron Kirman
Aaron Kirman

The Gym Space Has Evolved

“If you go back about twelve years ago, (many) houses didn’t have gyms. Even ten years ago,” says Kirman. “Today’s luxury houses all have gyms, and it’s become a prerequisite for buyers … and some of the gyms are huge. I mean, I’ve seen gyms as big as, and I’m not even making this up, probably eight or ten thousand square foot in a residential space.” That’s about a quarter of an acre! Athletes no longer want to take journeys to the gym when they can train just as well at home. In terms of exercise machines and equipment no expense is spared, and yet the gym gear is often the least expensive aspect of any home fitness space for the high and mighty. Lighting, audio visual technology, and fancy furnishings all provide an opulent environment for the elite to train in.

In one property that he has worked with, Aaron Kirman says that the entire top floor was devoted to gym space. “It almost felt like you were in a regular gym, in a residential property,” he says.  “We’ve seen outdoor gyms that are literally 20,000 square feet…and it’s not just the gym by the way, but the spa, the sauna, because everybody wants to live in the life where the house is all encompassing for them.” No doubt, a touring artist like client Ariana Grande needs to have everything at her feet when she’s enjoying some time back home. (editor note: he said Ariana was a client)

Luxury Real Estate Guru Aaron Kirman Selling a house with a high end gym inside it

Recovery Is Taking Up More Real Estate Than Ever

While Aaron Kirman owes a responsibility to be discrete and can’t name all of his clients by name, it has been reported that the ace agent has also represented Nicki Minaj, Orlando Bloom, and royal families from the Middle Wast. Successful celebs love a good pampering, and so not only do today’s mega-mansions have their own gyms, but they also have their own spa, wellness, and recovery rooms to boot. Titans of industry can afford to get massages in their own dedicated rooms on property, and quiet spaces for meditation are becoming the norm. “You know, it’s important to turn off the phone,” says Kirman. “I think in todays world, everyone is moving at such a fast pace.”

High End Luxurious Home Gym
Aaron Kirman

So, what’s trending in high-end home recovery spaces? “What’s really popular right now is the Japanese cold/hot plunge,” shares Kirman. “The majority of the new gyms are having that.” When you have serious money, you can put your own stamp on a dedicated gym space. Kirman recalls that one property that he worked with had gym equipment that was covered with walnut wood. “It really was the most elegant looking gym you’ve ever seen,” he says. “It didn’t even look like a gym. It was fabulous.”

Whether matching athletes to gyms or looking after any of his other very important clients, Kirman’s success lies in his own investment in health and wellbeing, and his understanding of how to connect the right owner with the perfect property. “Being a successful real estate agent, and arguably the number one agent in the country, it’s not just selling houses,” explains Kirman. “It’s match-making. You know, we are lawyers, we are psychologists, we are friends, we are problem solvers.”

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