Easy strategy for keeping a beehive warm during cold and windy weather that is simple to implement for backyard colonies.

As a new beekeeper, each season brings additional techniques to learn to keep my hive healthy and happy!
With the first cold snap rolling through my community recently, my beekeeper trainer advised me to use a sticky board to mitigate the shock of windy, rapidly dropping temperatures.
Beekeepers use a sticky board with Langstroth hives that have a screened bottom board to increase ventilation.
The sticky board also called a windbreak board, is inserted or removed depending on the weather situation.
This is the type of sticky board I use.
Wood, metal, or plastic versions are available depending on your durability needs and budget.
As I explain and demonstrate in the video below, a windbreak board inserted fully or halfway can help maintain a more comfortable temperature within a beehive when winter storms roll in. It also keeps drafts out.
Have you ever used this type of device to keep your bees protected during cold weather?
Please share your strategies for keeping a beehive snug and comfy!
